93. What is the function of w subunit of RNA polymerase
(A) Cation binding (B) Promoter binding
(C) Initiation and elongation Y- (D) Subunit association
94. Which one of the following statement is INCORECT regarding the classification of stains ?
(A) Bismark brown is a basic stains
(B) Janus green B and Methylene blue are examples of neutral stains
(C) Eosin is an acidic stain
(D) Neutral red and Janus green are vital stains
95. In eukaryotic cell division, metaphase to anaphase transition is regulated by degradation of
(A) Aurora A Km4/'ase (B) Cyclin B 1
(C) CDK 1 (D) Polo-like Kinase
96. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT in the context of diversity patterns of a species ?
(A) Alpha diversity is diversity within a single communitykA
(B) Beta diversity is a measure of the change in species composition from one community or habitat to another-•
(C) Alpha diversity is the regipnal diversity found among range of communities X in a geographical region
(D) Gamma diversity is the regional diversity found among range of communities / habitats in a geog hical region
97. Which of the following bacteria has subcellular localization in lysosomes ?
(A) Salmonella tvphi (B) Sheplococcus pneumoniae
(C) Vibrio cholerae (D) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
98. The presence & distribution of specific mRNAs within a cell can be detected by
(A) Northern blot analysisCfi°1\ (B) In situ hybridization
(C) Real time PCR (D) ELISA
99. The "Red Queen Hypothesis" is related to
(A) The evolutionary arms race between the host and parasite.
(B) The mating order in the harem of a polyganous male
(C) The elimination by deleterious mutations by sexual reproduction
(D) Mate selectin process by a female in a lek
100. Production of excessive amount of corticotropin (ACTH) occur in which of the following diseases ?
(A) Greve's disease (B) Greig's syndrome
(C) Cushing's syndrome (D) Alport syndrome